Conducting safety and security surveys for clients can be a secondary income stream for businesses. In this course, we will cover the key aspects of conducting site surveys. Students will learn the basic elements of a physical safety and security survey and are provided with an example survey form to build upon for their own use, a guidebook, and some example reports. 

It is important to understand that each student will need to consider their own experience and knowledge in conducting surveys. 

Your experience in conducting interviews, documenting information, investigative research, and powers of observation are a few of the skills you have been received training for. These are critical in conducting the survey. When possible, have a second person with the requisite knowledge and experience to assist. Four eyes are better than two! If you have assistance, make sure you both conduct the survey together for the best results. Having each person complete the survey instrument then comparing notes will help identify any gaps or omissions. 

About this Course

If you are familiar with other course offerings from ProPI Academy or Guardstar Academy, you will find this course is slightly different. The delivery format is primarily a text format to allow you to print the information for reference while conducting a survey. Read the information presented and then print a copy to create your own reference material for conducting surveys. Unless you are conducting surveys on a regular, recurring basis, it is important to re-familiarize yourself with the key components of conducting a survey by reviewing the information before you begin.